Something Good?
Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith

Something Good?

Working in a high-performance board means building trust, strong relationships, and allocating time to hard discussions and harder decisions. It’s the recipe for unlocking empathy. Increasing trust, empathy, and connection can be as easy as truly listening to what others have to say. Active listening, in particular, is a basic principle of strong relationships, with the bonus of an Oxytocin boost.

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Unpopular Governance Opinions (You Should Lean Into)
Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith

Unpopular Governance Opinions (You Should Lean Into)

Diving into the heart of what makes or breaks the boardroom is not just a pastime for us governance nerds—it's a mission. A few of my fellow future-focused enthusiasts and I went down this rabbit hole about the most unpopular governance opinions, which spiralled into rich insights, debates, and a few controversial takes on the state of corporate governance today.

I thought I would reflect on and summarise the common themes, particularly the most unpopular ones! Anytime a big governance conference rolls around, I also notice that some of these themes are still getting under people’s skins. If it’s not all too triggering for you, here are 10 of the big ones and why I think they’re lurking underneath the politics and dynamics of well or not-so-well-functioning boards.

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Harmonising Your Board
Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith

Harmonising Your Board

What type of board member are you? In this HBR article there are six “types” identified by the authors: Narcissist, Data Chaser, Deferential, Status Hound, Unprepared, and Stakeholder Champion.

I don’t think the six types cover anywhere near the full range of director types, so it got me thinking about my experiences of sitting on boards, styles of leadership, and facilitating outcomes where difficult member dynamics prevail.

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Breaking Down Boardroom Pay
Inside the Boardroom, Insights Paul Smith Inside the Boardroom, Insights Paul Smith

Breaking Down Boardroom Pay

Can board work provide a sustainable income? We work with a lot of directors who are actively seeking board roles. Some are looking to build a portfolio career as a board director. The work of a director can be interesting and worthwhile, and a director’s contribution to a board can be highly satisfying. Shouldn’t a fair remuneration also follow? Future Directors, Aisling Blackmore, spoke with Tom Mutch, Partner in Board and Public Sector Practices at Odgers Berndtson, to get his insights on how remuneration for non-executive directors has been shaped and changed in 2023/24.

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Building Effective Boards: Blending the ‘Wisdom of Experience’ with the ‘Wisdom of Inexperience’
Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith

Building Effective Boards: Blending the ‘Wisdom of Experience’ with the ‘Wisdom of Inexperience’

Explore the transformative potential of blending the 'Wisdom of Experience' with the 'Wisdom of Inexperience' in boardrooms. Paul Smith of Future Directors shares insights on the value younger voices bring to boards. Discover the benefits of diverse perspectives, digital literacy, fresh ideas, and adaptability. Uncover the strategic advantages of inclusive decision-making in today's rapidly changing world. Embrace a future where boards are truly 'fit-for-purpose' and innovative, positively impacting communities and the world.

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Peeling Back Board Purpose
Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith

Peeling Back Board Purpose

In a world of ever-evolving organisational governance, where boards serve as the nerve center of decision-making and strategy, it is surprising how often the simple question of purpose remains unanswered. Boards of directors, entrusted with steering companies through complex waters, frequently grapple with their roles, often searching for their true north.

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The Diversity Imperative For Boards
Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith

The Diversity Imperative For Boards

A recent study conducted by Monash University in Australia delved deep into this very issue. It's just the latest study on the topic. They interviewed remarkable women from diverse backgrounds, and what they unearthed is a wake-up call for every boardroom across the world.

Boardrooms are where decisions are made, strategies and policies devised, and yet diversity remains most elusive. This is not just a moral quandary anymore; it's a strategic blunder, a governance gaffe of epic proportions.

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Inclusion Beyond Checkbox: Neurodiversity in the Boardroom
Inside the Boardroom, Insights Paul Smith Inside the Boardroom, Insights Paul Smith

Inclusion Beyond Checkbox: Neurodiversity in the Boardroom

While strides have been made on diversity, equity and inclusion in boards, there remains an under-explored frontier in the realm of diversity – neurodiversity. Neurodivergent individuals can significantly benefit organisations and corporate boardrooms. To delve deeper into this important topic, Paul Smith spoke with Strategic Advisor and Non-Executive Director, Sara Harrup who also identifies as neurodivergent.

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We’re asking too much of board directors
Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith

We’re asking too much of board directors

Last month, the Global Network of Director Institutes released their “The Future of Board Governance” report. The GNDI is a collection of 24 national governance institutes from North and South America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, with combined memberships of 150,000.

Why are key business issues being lobbed into the long-term bucket buy boards? Critical issues like board composition, technology and climate change all impact financial sustainability. These risks only increase when we put them on the back burner.

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Cultivating a Learning Mindset: Empowering Chairs to Accelerate Board Training
Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith

Cultivating a Learning Mindset: Empowering Chairs to Accelerate Board Training

As a board chairperson, you have the power to transform your board group into a dynamic learning powerhouse, driving innovation, informed decision-making, and collective growth. However, introducing learning initiatives to a board group can be a challenging task. This article provides edgy insights and strategies to empower board chairs in bringing the benefits of learning to their board group and creating a thrilling environment of knowledge sharing and development.

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The Director's Dilemma: Carving Out Time For Personal Development
Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith

The Director's Dilemma: Carving Out Time For Personal Development

As board directors navigate the complex landscape of portfolio careers, investing in their own learning and development (L&D) becomes crucial for sustained success. However, finding the right approach to prioritise personal growth amidst multiple board responsibilities can be challenging. This article presents a roadmap for board directors to unlock their growth potential by addressing common pitfalls and implementing effective strategies.

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What >65,000 Years of Governance Looks Like
Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith Inside the Boardroom Paul Smith

What >65,000 Years of Governance Looks Like

We’re always working toward inclusivity and intersectionality at Future Directors. By this I mean the sustainable, sensitive, and sage form of governance that looked after this country and the people within it, for the (at minimum) 65,000 years prior to European invasion and, encumbered but proudly and continuously, through to this day.

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